Graves Mountain gives modern-day prospectors a setting right out of the Old West.

It was 1985 when I spent three days in Reno. I didn’t shoot a man just to watch him die, Johnny, but I conjured up images of Old West gunslingers. And when I drove from Reno to Lake Tahoe I saw landscapes that brought more Old West images to me—rocky terrain, Carson City road signs, and the setting where Bonanza was filmed.

Lodge pole pines and boulders? I saw those aplenty but the image that stuck with me rose from my mind—prospectors in the Old West. Memories of Westerns came to me and I envisioned bearded fellows wearing worn hats, suspenders, holding something in their hands always, a bag, a pick, or a pan for capturing gold from a stream. Seems they led a donkey around, not a horse, and these crotchety old codgers didn’t hesitate to speak their mind. Seems, too, they were generally in need of some hard liquor. They looked as poor as church mice.

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